Saturday, January 31, 2009

cerite kucing


oh2, i love ur bedtime stori last nite.. the way u told the stori, it was hillarious.. hehe.. i giggle2 all the time.. u really made me laughs dear.. hehe..

tonite, another stori k??

i'm waiting....~


Friday, January 30, 2009


Hehe.oke.ini post try post entry ini gne hp. Ye, hp.

jakun? Ye, aku jakun mengalahkn jakun. Hehe. Sejak bole on9 gne hp ni,, jd adcted la plak. Lagi mudah bkn? Xyh on lptp.

oke2, xleh tulis pnjg2. Sbb ni hp abh. Abh da pndng je. Mara? X rsenye. Mngkn die plik ape aku bwt kt hp die lme2.hehe.

Ok dah.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

wanita hebat.

oke. die mmg hebat. korng x cye??. xpe, xpyh pon. sape hebat nie?? ok2, wanita di bawah ini lah..

kenapa die hebat?? oke2, sy bgtau.. umur beliau adalah dlm 70+. (sori, umur sebenar xingt. hehe). walaupon seusia mcm itu, tp wanita ini msih kuat. anda x cye?? cube try tnye die.. " tok mk nk ikot g pyrmd??".. "tk mk nk ikot x g kl jap?".. "pasni tok mk nk g mkn angn kt mne pulak??".. hehe. pasti jwpn beliau.. "eh, msti la nk ikot".. ye. xpnh mengecewakn.

tok mak sya kuat bejalan. ye, sy x tpu. mcm td, sj tnye tok mk nk ikot x g pyrmd. then die kte msti lah nak. hehe. oke, sy kagum. tp kepelikan tu pon ade gak. asal jalan je, sume sehat, ok, x skit pe2. tp bile balik, mule la nk skit itu, skit ini, nk demam la. haha. tok mak. mcm2. tp xpe, bwk tok mak jln sgt best. mengapa??. ape yg korng beli, garenti tok mak akn kate lawa!. haha. kn tok mk?? kn?? kn??

oke2, td sy pegi pyrmd dgn ibu n tokmak. niat mulenye g sne nk beli subway shja. tp apakan daya, godaan itu sgt kuat. jgn slh kn sy ter-shopping ari ini. hehe.

oke, ini ibu sya. snyp2 amik gmba dlm fitting room. (^_*)

tgk2, ibu pon try2 baju sekali. sgt besh kalo dpt mak sporting ini macam. mari kte kasi pndek crite, tgk je lah ape aku beli.

gamba 1 : baju ni bli kt kdai pe tah. mule2 mcm xnk msuk, sbb da pnt. den sj plak gtal g try2 bju. lawa la plak kn. menarik. cntik. pe lagi, beli lah. ibu kte bole share2 dgn die. oke, aku menurut shja.

gamba 2 : aku x tau ini pnggl ape. ala-ala sweater la kot. tp ini mcm trend skng. mcm indie pon ade. tp x kesah, jnji lawa. di beli di forever 21. brape harga?? g tgk sndri kt kdai. haha.

gamba 3 : ini cincin. xtau np gle pulak nk bli cncn besa2 mcm ini. cte sbnr. mse tu tgh tggu mereka g toilet. aku pula merayau2 dlm kdai diva ini. ttba, mte tetumpu pda cincin2. sume cntik. tp mhl. rm 59, rm 45. gle bukan. tp yg aku jmpe ini mura je. rm13 stu. mungkin nk abis kn stok. xkesh la. pilihan aku yg gold itu. tp ibu kte ibu suke yg kgi stu. last2, bli dua2. kn sng. tp stu aku bya, stu lgi ibu bya. oke xpe. mura shja.

ok la. itu shja aku nk bgtau. (^_^)

kepala runsing

my condition rite now...

tp aku suke mkn ini bile aku mcm atas..

so mcm mane??
lu pukir la sndri~

aku punye entry kali ini.

*sekadar gamba hiasan*

ye. aku skrng ni tgh gle shopng on9. tp bukan beli pon. sekadar tgk je. nk bli?? mcm x ykin je. tkot kne tpu. lagipon kalo nk shppng skrng, bukan ade duet sgt aku nie. oke2, aku mengaku, dlm purse aku cume ade rm5 shja. puas ati??. kenapa xde duet? oh, sile jgn tnye. aku sengaja bagi ibu pgg duet aku.walaupon aku kdkt, tp aku sgt boros. boros itu sgt tdak baek bukan?? bkn shja pda dri anda mahupon owg laen, malah kpd wallet anda dan sekutu dgn nye. ( xphm??, wallet owg laen skli la tuh.) haih, cm ne ye nk bg xnk gile shopping nie?? tp nk buat cm ne kn?? da lumrah sebagai seowng pompuan.

*senyum sendiri*

bagi kaum adam pulak, bg mereka shppng ini suatu yg sgt bazir mse, duet n tenaga?? btol kah??.. hahaha, lntak kowng nk kte pe wahai adam. kmi yg hawa ni da mmg mcm ni. kowng pedulik ape??. hmmm.

tapi kowng pon tau kn, ekonomi skng ni mcm tgh gawat. nk shppng lbih2 pon rse mcm x beshh je. *eceh, ayat sedey jew aku ni.*. tapi xpe lah, mcm la nti2 x bole shppng lagi kn??

oh, selain itu, aku juga suka blog shopping. meaning??. ye, aku suke baca blog2 org. bukan stalkers ye. cume mahu tgk cara penulisan diowng. kalo menarik, sumpah aku akn baca semua entry die. x kesah la kalo ade beribu sekali pon. sumpah aku akn bca semua. hehe. oh, ckp psl blog shpng ni, ade la suatu ari tu,, ari ape??. maaf, aku x ingt. *tah ape2 la ko ni cik shikin* aku tersinggah kat stu blog owg nie. fuhh, die punye bangga sebab die ank owg kaye. mapu beli sume brg2 branded. oke2, aku tau kau kaye. tp x perlu lah sampai nk blagak cm tu. aku cume rase tak perlu kot mcm tu??. haih, lantak ko lah. jnji ko bhgia. manusia2....

*terdiam* aku cume tepk.. dri ko bazir duet bli brg2 mhl cm tu, baek ko derma duet ko tuh kt rakyat2 gaza. ko patut sedar sket yg ko tu ptt bersyukur negara kite ni x mcm diowng. hhmmphh.

oke2 dah, xyah cte lagi psl mamat tuh. lantak die la. die pnye duet, die pnye suke lah. aku yg sebok2 ni ape hal??. aku pon xtau. *malu dri sndri*

blablabla: nk simpan duet beli jam untuk dri sendri. target utama, jam guess rm 409. ade sesiapa yg sudi ng bg duet?? or bli kn tros??. hehe, sgt x mlu.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


lme kn x update blog??

nti2 la update..

not feeling well la... :(


Wednesday, January 21, 2009



hehehe... i just arrived here in imu.. my class didnt started yet till 9.15 am..

soooo, while waiting for it.. sj nk drop by here..

oh, i noticed farah nye blog td.. she juat posted the new one.. which is 34 minute ago.. tht's mean around 8.30-ish.. gleeeeeee awl u blogging farah?? np nie??.. nanak sdey2 ey.. hehe.. hepi2!!

k lah, mcm ade klass je nk gne lab nie...


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

kegumbiraan 1

yeay.. as my last entry said tht my parents will be bck rite??


they're here!!!!!!

wooot wooot~~~

oh2!.. the best part is... mumy bli kn sumtng for me... heeeeeeeeeee~

cntk kn sweater ini.. oh2!!.. sile jgn amik!

dgn gelang emas ini... heeeee~
ok lah.. tht's bout it....
i'm blessed~

Monday, January 19, 2009


afternoon people!! hehe.. im actually in e-lab in imu rite now.. baru pass lunch td.. wth fara, kiera, deeba n zaki.. wohoo~.. tu la first tme aku msuk cafe since... ble tah.. haha.. lme da kot x msuk cafe... diet?? hahaha... xpon!!!!.. lgpon sjak anis, tasya n wanee xde.. mcm da x beshh je nk msuk cfe.. huhu... sdeyyy.. tp nsb ade mereka ini sume.. xde la aku sowng2.. weeeeee~ *time ksh kwn2*

ngh xde class ni.. nk print notes pon, bkn ade lgi notes2 sume tu.. xde bwt pe, blogging je ah.. farah kt sblh pon kte smpat ag aku blogging??? ye2 farah, mmg smpat!!! u pon ngn facebook je.. :p... heeeeee~.. kiera ni lak rjin tol g print2 notes..hehe..

hmm... xde pe pon nk tulis sbnrnye.. nk jmpe lect, busy lak diowng neh.. farah ngn kiera dok ngabis kn mentos aku.. hehe.. xpe2.. jkg bli yg len lak..

oh2!.. td kannnnnnnnn... abh kol.. die kte kt dubai.. nk blik la tuuuu....

yeayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... suke2!!


k la, smbung mlm kng la.. nk g bwt keje jp..


Sunday, January 18, 2009


i've just finished watched anugerah juara lagu.. yupp.. congratulations to all the winners.. i must say.. big victory to faizal tahir.. i thnk he deserves it.. the song was good... evrythng.. the showmanship?? yeah, sumting was diferent..

well, congratulations again.

persembahan- faizal tahir
vokal-faizal tahir
balada-faizal tahir
etnik kreatif-farawahida
pop rock- meet uncle hussin

juara lagu- MEET UNCLE HUSSIN!!!!

yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! suke! suke! suke!

unexpected kn??.. they are telented.. admit it u guys...

hehehe.. tahniah2!!

*sori to all faizal tahir's fan.. i know korng mmg expect gle die mnang.. but not!! haha..*

mesti rmai x puas hati pas ni...


another failure..

haih... xjd lgi nk bsuh kete mnggu nie...

wait next week lak... hehe..

*car condition : veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dirty!*


sakit tekak...

hrmmm..... :(

Saturday, January 17, 2009

doin sumting2 diferent

owhkay... owh kay...nk tau sumting hapen x today...


BAKING!!!.. yessssssssss.....

hahahaha... cm xcye je kn.. im actualy doing it tau.. my cuz, aishah just tolong pas2 kn brg.. oh hzman, just tlg smpn2 kn blik brg... hehe...

hehe.. ni pict some of the ingredient.. aku sbnrnye x ingt pon pe bhn2 die.. kalo suh bwt tu.. tau kott.. hahaha..(ckp pon x ykin je ko ni cik shikin)

hehe.. besh gak wat baking neh.. sbb xde gne mnyk pnsssss... hak3... adoi ai... tgk je la gmba.. mls nk cte pnjg2...

ini cupcakes cokelat..

ini lak rse vanilla....

we were using these four colours..

well.. these are the final product.. hehe.. soooooooooo colourful!!!!

*aku sbnrnye mls nk tulis pnjg2*

tolong saya...

next friday saya ada debate for ethics in science nye class...


ethics cn be thaught vs. ethics cnnot b thaught..

im in 'cn be thaught'..

plssssssssssss do help me here....

any idea???


oh tdak..

die tlah mendua kn aku..


jage kau ps2..........!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

spe nk tunang sile angkt tgn!!

ye.. aku br je ym ngn sir a.k.a abg reza aku.. nk kowng tau die kte pe??

ye, die mau tunang ahad ini. sekali lgi, TUNANG!!

haaaaaaaaaa, kn elok cm tuh..

slamat betunang lah ye.....

tawen jmput saya!!! ingat, JEMPUT SAYA!!!!!


blogging d tgh hari jumaat??

gud afterno0n. :D.. hehe, mimpi apakahh aku ni blogging tgh2 hari bute??.. sje je nk ltk entry nie.. sbnrnye br blik dr imu ni.. bese la kan.. ari jumaat.. mne de klas thg2 hari bute nie.. kalo ade pon jkg kol 2.45... aduhh, knyg perot.. lauk kakak msk sdp!! hehe.. aku mmg ske blik umh kalo time2 tgh hari cm ni.. ley mkn free kt umh kn?? xyh la sush2 nk g mkn kt luar.. lgi2 kalo kt upm.. pe je la ade kt upm tu.. farah, sile jawab!.. hehe...

oke2.. sbb aku nk ltk entry ni pon psl tdi.. mse nk blik td, snggh jap kt shell kt hghway.. sje je nk g bli top up.. den da ala2 da msk, ternmpk la kn si die.. hehe.. pe lagi.. trus g kt die.. fuhh, i tell u ah.. smpai je kt die.. im actually having a hard time tau.. ye la kn.. kng slh wat dicision, nyesal lak t.. haih.. lme gak kt stu.. sbb pk lme sgt.. hahahahaha...

oh! lupe lak gtau.. si die tu sbnrnye air nescafe.. hehe.. lme kott x mnum.. thn since ari isnin ag.. ye la.. de klass kn.. xnk mnum sbb nti kng sush x tdo.. ble sush nk tdo, bgn sok msti ngntknye.. haih...

eh, ape yg hard tme nye eh?? ye2.. sush nk plih whch type of nescafe nk bli.. ade mocha, latte, original ngn kopi o kott.. tah.. hehe.. ade 4.. mse nk plih tu, mcm nk yg ni.. den ttba cm nk yg ni lak.. *pening seketika*... huhu.. aku tgk stu tin rm2.. mhl nye alahai.. (sya sgt kedekut. harap maklum)

last2 kannnnnnnnnn.....

hak3.. aku bli tga twos.. kn sng.. sush2 plih bwt pe.. xpe lah.. spend lbih sket la kali ni.. jgn bwt lgi da tau cik shikin oi!! nk bli pon stu2 je.. (kalo gne duet org len, d benarkn beli byk2. eheh~)

oh.. aku sgt gembira.. lalalalalalalala~

msuk kete twos bukak yg latte nye.. bwk kete pon snym je sowng2.. hahahahaha... nsb xde sp nmpk.. (spt last entry aku.. ye, aku xgle!)

hehe.. itu sja entry ku kali ini.

oh! im so high.....~

-perbuatan ini jgn di tru ye. hnya pro sj bole bwat. harap mklum-

Thursday, January 15, 2009

list kali ini....

ok2 la.. mcm yg farah suh bwt list ni.. i bwt je la.. (konon2 mcm kne tag la tu.. eceh~) td kt klass farah suh bwt list senarai kesyukuran.. tgk kt page die.. perghh!! byk nye... juling mte jp bc byk2.. ahakss~

k2, stop ngarot, start wth ur list...



  1. dilahirkn di dunia ini.
  2. saya anak jati org johor sbb sy lahir dkt muar.
  3. saya anak kepada dua parents yg sgt hebat bg sya, iaitu en johari dan pn fauziah.
  4. saya ank plg bongsu sekali. sy cume ade sorng kakak shja. ye, ank plg bongsu skli sgt beshh..
  5. sy msh mempunyai teman baek sy sejak dr sy form 2 lagi. mint, aqma, liyana ngn joanna. oh, sy sgt syng akn kamu semua!
  6. sy tidak la tnggi mne pon. oleh itu sy boleh bergaya dgn high heels yg bole nmpk kn sy tnggi. hehe..~
  7. sy msh lgi meneruskn study sy di imu ini. xmo jd cm sem 1 lgi..
  8. saya penah d sakiti oleh org yg pnh sy syg dulu. kerana dgn ini, sy lbih mengerti lgi tntg kehidupan.
  9. thn ini sy akan berumur 21 thun. oleh itu sy harap sy pnye thnkng pon akn jd lbih mtang.
  10. saya mempunyai sebuah kete iaitu savvy. walaupon xde mewah mne pon, tp sy ttp syukur.
  11. sya mempunyai hp nokia express music. bg sya hp itu sudah ckup cool gle krn sesuai dgn dri sy yg sgt suke muzik. plus, hp itu wane merah. wane kesukaan sya.
  12. sya berkenalan dgn aniq. dan seterusnye membawa sya ketemu dgn seorng jejaka yg bg sy sgt la baik hati nye. org nye sgt sng sy pahami. tak sme mcm lelaki laen yg pnh sy jmpe. nme org itu adalah ANNAS.
  13. sya kni sudah hmpir 7 bulan lbih bersama annas.
  14. sya dgn annas jarang sekali gado. oleh itu, sya mkin syg kpd nye.
  15. annas sya seorng yg sgt understnding. die tak cpt melatah.
  16. abah sya seorng yg sgt la cool bg sya. die suke menketawakn sy.(wohoo, apekahh ayat aku ni???)
  17. ibu sya msih lgi bergaya mcm org mude. ye, sy sgt suke. ibu sy juga mempunyai sense of fashion yg bg sy sgt la baek. kerna die tahu ape yg terbaek bg ank2 nye.
  18. sy juga mempunyai sahabat baek lelaki sy iaitu megat raros rosli. die sgt lah suke bwt sy ketawa dan gumbira. kami akn ketawa byk kalo berjumpe. :D
  19. sya adelah seorng perempuan. oleh itu, sy x pyh sush2 crik nfkah ble kawen nnti. hehe..
  20. kasut sya saiz 7. oleh itu sy bole share ksut dgn ibu sya. tapi x dgn kaklong. sbb kaki die mcm kaki gajah. saiz 9.. hehe...
  21. mempunyai kulit yg putih. oleh itu sy x pyh suh2 pkai fair n lovely.
  22. rmbut sya pnjg. sya sgt suke belai2 dan bau2 rmbut sya.
  23. sya msh lgi mempunyai hati dan perasaan bg memudah kn sy phm akn perasaan org laen.
  24. suke tgk kartun. lntak la kalo ibu sy suke bising sbb sya da besa dan xptt tgk katun. tp bg sya, dgn tgk katun.. jiwa ank2 tu msh ade pd sya..
  25. sy bru top up td. oleh itu, sya bole gayut dgn bubu sya mlm ini.
  26. keluarga sya msh lgi bersatu. kami sekeluarga sgt bahagia.
  27. sya msh lgi bernafas dan mampu lgi bernafas.
  28. sya tdk mmpnyai penyakit kronik. oleh itu sya bebas nk lakukn mne2 aktiviti..
  29. tnggl di msia. bg sya msia itu sy unik. dripada dgn kaum, mkanan, adat dan mcm2.
  30. negara msia msih lgi aman.
  31. sya mempunyai beg guess wane merah. oh, itu kesukaan sya. time ksih ibu!
  32. abah dan ibu msh lgi melayan kerenah sy ini yg kdg2 sgt la gle mengada ngalah kn bdk kecik.
  33. arcnd d blik sy msh lgi berfungsi. xde la pns kalo mlm2 kn??
  34. duet smart tag sya msh ade rm 27 rnggt lgi. sng nk baya tol.
  35. kete savvy sya x kuat mkn mnyk. jimat sket duet.
  36. sya msh lgi berfikiran waras. ye, aku x gile!
  37. sya msh lgi dlm keadaan sehat. kalo sy skit, pasti sya kne mkn ubt. oh, itu sesuatu yg sya tidak ske lakukn. walaupon penat bubu sya bising suh mkn ubt...heeeeeee~
  38. sya msh belum bute. sngn sya nk mentgk laki2 kacak.. hak3..
  39. lidah sya msh lgi berfungsi. oleh itu sy bole lgi mencube mcm2 msakan d dunia ini.
  40. sy sgt la gle2 nye suke pada ksut n beg. oh, sy bole shpnng byk2.
  41. suda 3 ari sya x dpt mnum caffien. sbb klas sya pada awl pgi. tkot x bgn nti kalo tdo.
  42. sya tnggl di subng. bg sya subng ini sgt la beshh. ade mcm2 d sni. tp yg x beshh nye ialah trafiic.. haih..
  43. internet wireless sya d rumah sya sgt lah laju. sng nk on9 ble2 mse jew..
  44. period sya slalu dtg on time.. hehe. xlmbt mknenye xde masalah ngn dri sya.
  45. sya pnye sosial life sgt baek. sya x cmpur dgn bdk2 jhat.
  46. akhirnye sy maen ice skating. time ksih ye kt kwn2 sya..
  47. dlm wallet sya msh ade rm 100lgi. kalo bole xnk gne. nk smpn.. ye, sile jgn amik.
  48. sudah tgk movie bedtime stori. oh, sgt lah klaka...
  49. msh ade lgi org yg sudi meng hepi kn ati sya..
  50. kamu telah sush pyh bcblog sya. lbih2 lgi entry ini.. haha..


da2, pnt aku nk pkir.

slamat membaca.....

high enough??

owh~ u were like my own personal drugs..

i'm ADDICTED to you...

uhukk, help me!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

does it matter??

supposed to be a wonderful day today kan??

turns out x pon..

kenapa...?? :(

xpe lah.. mayb nxt month je lah..


nk sad pon cm x best... da nk jd..


move on jew la.......

Monday, January 12, 2009


br blik klass.

kt umah aishah.

tgh blogging.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

anjing pns @ hotdog??

ye.. tatkala di mlm2 sebegini.. aku pasti akn mengalami suatu fenomena yg melanda driku ini.. eceh~ slalu sgt berlaku.. haih...
pe yg belaku nye?? ye, aku slalu lapa time2 cenggini.. (tu la, sp suh mkn nsk skit dinner td...) haih, mls la plak nk crik mkn mlm2 nie.. tp xpe lah.. trun je la bwh.. tgk2 pe yg de kt bwh..

bukak peti ais, ade cokelat.. roti.. bla bla bla.. adoi, x menarik selera tol tgk.. bukak lak kt bhgn atas.. eh, jeng3.. de bnde yg bole mkn.. tp tu lah.. kne goreng dlu..

hhmmm, ni yg lmh ni kalo nk kne goreng2.. sbnrnye tkot mnyk pnas.. eheh... nk mkn ke x?? nk mkn ke x?? hmmmmm.. aku monolog dalaman.. (ahaks, sastera gitu) .. ingt nk suh kak hana gorngkn.. tp die lak tgh tgk tv.. haih, sian lak kalo kco die.. xpe2, bwt sndri je la... selambe sudey.. kn?~ *kak hana is maid tok mak aku*

aku g pntu blakang, bukak pintu n amik kuali.. trok ats tmpt msk.. n on kn api.. put a bit of cooking oil.. n wait while its hot..

da pns, msuk kn la hotdog itu.. ye, aku mkn hotdog.. sedap bukan??.. hehe.. spt yg ku sngka, ye.. mnyk pns itu akn mletup2.. menari2 ats kuali bagaikn inul begelek... hak3.. apekahh aku mengarut ini???? da2.. smbg2..

d sbb kn aku tkot sgt3 gle yg teramat kt mnyk pns.. aku amik la somting tuk bwt cover tgn aku ini.. sbb tu kulit aku licin. xpndai msk upenye.. isk, kantoi! amek la kain buruk cover lengan smbl golek2 kn hotdog dlm kuali.. xphm?? xtau?? atau bwt2 x phm??.. hehe.. tgk je la gmba ni..

ye.. sungguh unik bukan?? hehe.. ni la jd nye kalo da tkot ngn mnyk pns..

ye, ini la hsil nye da siap goreng.. nmpk besa bkn.. pelikk??.. ye, agak la.. aku pon x tau la cm ne ley jd cm ni.. tibai jew la.. hak3..

kalo korng nk tau.. hotdog aku ni bkn la yg bese2 nye.. hotdog ini ade cheese kt dlm nye.. adoi, seyes aku terliur.. korng?? hahahaha... walaupon aku tau msti ade je yg ktuk sbb hotdog aku nmpk plik.. lgi2 kalo liyana yg bc.. cmfrm die kutuk.. jnji sedaaaaaaappppppppppp!!!!!!

oh, aku bhgia mkn hotdog~ eh, pelik lak statement itu.. hak3..

xkesah la.. aku buat blog ni pon smbl mkn hotdog.. tp bru dua tiga line ayt jew, da abis aku bantai.. hahahahahaha.. gelojoh bukan?? xpe2.. aku punye suke lah.. korng dengki ape???

bbuurrrrrrppp~ aku da knyg.. hehe..

*itu sj kisah aku ngn hotdog*



sunday. okayy.. where shld i start first.. hmm.. here's the thing... im going to tell u sumting..

td pegi la kan subang parade ngn kaklong.. sj je.. da boring dok umh la kan..

then cm teringin nk bli donut bg aple.. so beratur la kn.. wait for my turns...

dpn dpn aku ni de la sorng mk cik ni ngn ank die.. gye cm xpnh bli je.. xpe la.. lntk la mk ck tu...

tp kn, ya Allah... pnye la lembap gle mk ck ni nk plih donut.. aiyo... *sori mkck* .. bole pk lgi nk yg mne.. da tu bli byk lak tu..

da tau nk bli byk2, pk la b4 ur turn... haih.. aku yg kt blakang ni tepakse la kne tggu lme..

aku pndg blakang je, line da pnjg gle... *thnks to u mk ck* haih.. mk ck2.. da nk bya tu smpt ag g tuka2 donut...


sound like i hv anger management kn?? tp tak oke!....

i just dnt work wth people who's slow.. yg lembap.. haih..

sori la.. tht just me.. tp xpe la..

hahahahahahaha... eh, tergelak lak~ klaka la... tgh tgk audition american idol ni..

hahahaha.. mcm2 la diowng ni.. ilng jp rse gram td.. hehe..

da2.. smbg2.. suke melalut ke bnde laen.. isk3..

oh, patu kannnnnnnn... hahahaha.. nk gosip ni..

ade la owg tu kn.. die jeles kot dgr i bli big aple.. ye lah.. smlm da bli da la kan..

tau je i bli big aple td.. twos g kt ibu die.. ibuuuuuu.. nk donut~.. hahahahaha

alalalalalalala... mnje nyeeee..... heeeee~

jgn mara ek.. hehehehe...

ok2, blik ke crite big aple.. hrmmm, am i really tht addict to caffien???

ye lah, smpai donut pon nk bli yg mocha jew.. eceh.. bad ikin, badddd... haih..

i guess i really need to stop it.. know any ideas how??

*help me!*

Saturday, January 10, 2009

mengarut, terkarut, berkarut.. apekahh??


i checked my timetable online td...

satg xde lak..

ape nie.. class da nk stat, tmetble xde lgi..


cm ne nk g class monday nie..

kol brape?? kt mne?? klass pe??

haih, mcm2 persoalan di stu...

nk je sms kt coursemate tnye sume2...

tp perasaan kdkt kredit tu dtg tba2... hahaha...

*aku kn abg...* ahah.. ye, ini sekadar iklan shja.. xde kne mengene pon..

ok2, kte smbg...

ape ye?? owh jadual... ye,.. wahai Dr. Err hui ming.. sile lah ltk kn timetble tu kt I drive..

aku mau print siap2.. sng gak aku nk msuk klass u nti.. xde kelam kabut..

da la IMU tu ske ubh2 lokasi klass.. kejap sne, kejap sni...

haih, kne crik lgi.. xdtg sehari pon, byk je beubah..

*p/s : IMU is under construction*

oke2.. ckp psl azam lak..

ye, sem bru, azam pon bru....

konon2 nk lgi hardworking la ths sem... *smngt2*

nk naek kn pointer lgi.. haih, kne mkn buku, tdo bku, mndi buku..


xmo da wat dosa2 cm dlu... eceh~

dose pe?? ye, xmo gtau... hahahahahahaha.... bhye..

nk jd lbey rjin, byk bc buku.. ngeh3.. *skempos.. = skema nk mampos*

hrmmm... tp cm xsba je nk bis kn course ni.. nk pgg my own degree...

pastu keje, pastu kawen...(haaa?? kawen??.. lmbt agi.. aku msh mude) hehe..

hrmm.. adoi,.. tme2 ni gak ttba nk windoo kt beshh frens sume.. kn??

aqma, mint, yana n joe... windoo bangat kt kowng.. uhukk~

owh, x lupe gak kt megat.. hehe.. bff gak die nie.. always be there 4 me.. *thnks!*

ibu n abah lak.. ble nk blik nie.. hehe.. *abh, nk fon..*

n bubu.. u xdtg chinese new year nie.. siap u... hahahahaha..

eh, da la.. aku melalut lak...

kah3... da2..



goshh.. new sem is going to start like 2 days more..

i really3 need to...

clean up my room...

eheh~ wht a mess....


like my last post said tht i really need to buy stuff for this new sem.. well, i did some shppng just now at pyrmd wth my sis..

let just see wht i bought..


yeay!! bli ksut is like the best thng to do...... n plus, mura sgt2 kot.. de diskaun lgi.. around 36 rnggt je kot.. mura kn??.. kn best kalo sume ksut2 around this price.. sumpah nti ari2 g shppng ksut jew.. ehek~ remember my last post?? ths flats cm sme je wht i wnt.. cume die x transparent.. huhu.. xpe2..



hahahaha.. finally ade gak pndrive.. lme nye rosak.. bodo tol!! nk mera.. tp xde.. ade pon pink n kuning.. so i amik la pink.. since it's da close one to red.. i hv my external disk.. but sj je nk pndve... sng nk bwk mne2.. external besa.. hehe~ *gedikk*



oh.. my notebooks.. terbli byk lak.. ahaha.. mcm la aku ni rjin sgt nk tulis notes kn.. padahal x pnh pon.. haha.. xpe2.. azam bru.. try to take important notes as much as i cn.. owh, if u cn see from the pict.. yg knan skli.. i bought an organizer too.. i realy3 need it..



last but not least.. some stationaries.. ade file, colour pen, blue ball pen n stcky notes.. huhu.. mcm2 je bli.. kalo bole, sume pon nk.. fyi, i love to loittering around the bookstores lme2.. dnt know la why.. tp rse cm beshh je.. seyes xtpo.. hehe..


well, if u notice.. kt my list tuh de kte nk bli blouse kn?? bt td x bli pon.. rse cm mls lak nk g crik2.. xpe2, tu x pntg.. kai ju kurung je la nti.. eheh~ *poyo*

k la.. i guess im done here...

*current mood : xsba nk g class.. sume bnde bruuuuu...

wishh list..

yupp.. my class will be start soon.. i need to go shopping n buy some stuff for me.. ye lah kn.. new sem da nk msuk.. so kne la prepare awl2..

well, these are some items i need to buy..

1) new flats shoes. the old one da koyak :(.. really need it cuz im working in the lab sumtimes.. haih.. safety first!!!

kalo cm ni nye cntk kn.. like cinderella shoes... owh, i reallyreallyreally wnt it...~

2) new blouse.. hehe.. sj je nk menggedik.. bt seyesly, i dnt hv tht much blouse in my closet..

love the design.. looks nice n sassy.. nknknk!!!

3) new notebooks.. hehe.. konon2 nk tulis notes ah tu dlm class.. haha

nk byk2!!!

4) new pendrive.. at least kalo mls nk slin notes pon, bole amik notes dlm I drive... tros print je.. kn sng!!...

i was thnkg to buy the 4gb nye.. owh how i wishh there's pndrve whch is in red~

hmmm.. pe lgi ek??

any idea u guys????

Friday, January 9, 2009

gathered n gossip-ing...

as i lazy-ing around at my hse ths late evening.. my dear bff text me.. asked me to join her eat aiskrim at mc'd.. so i said yesss n she picked me up..

while we were in the car, she told us tht eza is coming too..

i was like.... seriously???.. goshh.. it's been ages since i last saw her.. miss tht gurll soooo muchhy2!!!

bile da ketemu nie, pe lagi la kn... borak cm nk rak jew.. cm mc'd tu kteowng nye jew.. hahahaha.. try to catch up wth each othrs..

owh.. only ths pict yg ley jmpe.. goshhh... its so waayyyy bck in 2005.. it's been 4 years now..


i woke ths morning wth ths weird kinds of feeling.. dont know why la.. i felt uneasy.. nervewrack.. xtentu hala.. nervous tahap gaban i must say... i tried to sit straight on my bed n thnkng why is this hapen to me...

the sumtng came through my mind.. oh shit..!!!! now i know why.. my results are coming today.. not till 3 pm.. haih.. to be sited quietly in my hse while waiting for the results to be released is terrible i tell u.. haih..

the clock shows its 2.30 already.. i dressed up and ready to go to imu.. drove very safely as my heart start to pound very fast.. to chill my self up.. i start to 'selawat' a bit silently..

once i received da result.. i opened it slowyly.. read every single detail.. n...


i passed!!!!!!

fuh~ wht a releive..

sem 2.. here i comeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

can you???

Can you read this?
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
If you can read this, your brain is 50% faster..

nite calling...

just now.. the clock shows 11.30.. suddenly prot mcm lapa la plak.. adoi.. ni yg lmh ni kalo lapa mlm2.. pe bnde je la nk mkn.. nk tepon mc'd, asik bz jew line.. bnci tol..

then suddenly.. i was like addicted for caffien...!! damnn...!! couldn't remember when was da last tme i hd caffien.. went downstairs.. searching for it.. lucky i found one..

haha.. the nescafe tht i found is not the regular i used to drink.. this one is some other brand.. xpe ah.. kalo da ketagih.. pe2 pon bntai jew..

air da msk, try rse... perrgghhh!!!!.. gle 'kaw2' nscfe die.. pekat gle wooo... mmg gle puas ati ah.. mnum pns2, smbl cicah ngn rti... hahaha.. mmg terbaek!!!...

*current mood : super duper hyper*

Thursday, January 8, 2009

mind u..

why do u hv to be soooooooooo bitchy bout other people??
so wht???.. im still a rock star la weh...
goshh... really seriously shit i hate it..
boooooo you!!!
try to be in my shoes... then u'll know..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

new version (versi baru)

ok lah.. untuk blog kali ini aku akan cube bwt blog dlm bhse mlayu plak ( bkn bhse malaysia ke??).. lain dri yg lain bukan??.. slalunye bwt blog pon dlm rojak.. (apekah??..).. hehe, mksd nye cmpur2 la... (aik?? cmpur plak??).. xpe, kte tolak tepi dlu sume ngarot2 nie.. (ishh.. tolak plak...) ..

td aku, kaklong ngn mk pdah telah pergi ke pyrmid.. untuk ape??.. ye.. untuk mengisi perot msing2 yg sedia menjerit2 kelaparan.. ahah... lapa rupe nye kami ni.. tp sebelom itu,. kami snggh di maxis center.. atau dlm mlayu nye.. maxis tengah... (apekah lagi??).. haha... xde la.. pusat maxis.. (ye, sy br tau maxis pon ade pusat...)

selepas itu, br lah kami mkn d chckn rce shop... selesai suda mkn.. aku tetiba kepingin donut (aik?? aku berbhse indon???) lantas kami trus menuju ke kedai itu..( ahaks, ayat aku x bole blah

kami trus msuk lalu sesi pemilihan di jalan kn.. ngah3.. skli tgk, mmg mcm nk bli jew sume.. nmpk sdp sgt2!!!.. (abis la aku kne diet nti.. eheh~)

nmpk sedap bukan???.. sile jgn jeles.. ahakss... da bli tu.. jln2 jap kt pyrmd.. ingt nk bli ksut.. xde yg lawa lak.. xpe2, mk pdh kte sbtu ni g shppng.. (ye, itu yg sye mau dgr.. weeeee~) .. da puas jln,(w.pun x sbnrnye.. hehe).. kmi pon blik dlm kol 10 cm tu.. kdai pon cm da nk tutup je.. (aik, menghalau nmpk??)..

da smpai umh, pe lgi.. twos serang donut.. smbl tgk bedtme stori ngn kaklong.. kaklong dnld.. (tah brape kli da aku tgk cte ni.. kaklong pon bkn nk bgtau dnld.. pnt je tgk kt wyng..) yg pasti mlm ini aku akn jd sgt2 aktif kot.. telebey gula.. hahaha... xtau ah kng tdo kol brape... haih.. k la,.. pnt la tulis.. eh type...


lunch alone..

woke up ths morning by da sound of my aunty's voice.. pg2 lg die da kjot bgn n kate.. "mk pdh bgn lmbt ari ni.. x smpt msk.. nh duet.. g bli mkn ape2.. jgn ordr mc'd jew.. mkn nsik.....".. i was like half awake just nodded n and kte ye jew.. hehe.. den, smbg tdo blik..

woke up again around 11 kot.. guling pnye guling.. then teringt nk mkn sushi... nsik gak kn??

hehe.. i mndi, then drove g parade....

n here i am... tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

yupp.. i ate my lunch here.. alone la of course.. xpe2.. x kesah pon...

den mse tgh mkn.. megat kol.. he asked a favour bli kn num clcm for his frens.. ey, nk clcm pon nk suh i bli kn ke?? kt klang mcm xde je.. hehe.. xpe la.. bff mntk tlg,.. so tlg jew la..

da la suh bli.. siap suh kol die lgi.. bwt pe.??.. suh bc kn stu2 num yg ade... haih... jenuh aku nk sbot sume.. lst2, bli gak,.. pas da bli tu.. jln2 jap.. sj usha fon nye price.. eheh.. menggedik x?? nk tau fon pe??....

The new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is especially designed for the music-lovers all over the world. Yep, all over the world. It has innovative new designs to give you the best music experience from a mobile phone that is ever possible. It supports Nokia's Comes With Music, a service that gives you access to the Nokia Music Store. They provide a 1 year unlimited access to their catalog by purchasing this great phone.

So, what do people want for their music mobile phone? We all want clear and powerful speakers, more memory and of course, easy synchronization. Aside from these, it's no mobile phone if it can't perform well as a mobile phone, right? The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic does not just focus on the "music" factor but it has a great internet browsing, 3.2 megapixel camera with a Carl Zeiss Lens, clear phone speaker, Bluetooth and so much more! Plus, it is the first Nokia phone with touch screen to add that human touch.

Also, there is the Media Bar and the Contacts Bar. The Media Bar is a drop down menu that gives you a direct access to your music, videos and photos. With the Media Bar, you can directly link to a website or for online sharing. Contacts Bar, on the other hand, is like a feed for your own life. You could highlight up to four of your favorite contacts and track a digital history of previous text messages or emails and photos, and more from these contacts.

With the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, you get up to 8 Gb of memory, built-in surround stereo speakers and it supports up to 60 languages so people around the world could use this phone.

fuhh.. pnt ckp.. eheh.. padahal copy paste jew.. keh3..

k la.. just hope i got it someday..

plsshh3 abahh... *blink2*

Monday, January 5, 2009 waiting

rse cm da lme jew...
when do u wnt to come bck?????

Sunday, January 4, 2009


i went to pyrmd yesterday wth my fren.. we watched...

yeah.. my opening movie for 2009.. this movie was good.. i realyrealyrealy enjoyed it.. it was hillarious i tell u... i couldn't stop laughing.. eheh.. a good start for ths year..

aftr da tgk movie, we decided nk blik... since xde pe pon nk bli... then i smpai umh je...

oh shit!!!!

xde owg kt umh... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... cm ne nk msk.. i pon lpe nk bwk hse key td.. isk3.. :(

then i called aisya, my kazen.. she said she's at home n baking cupcakes..

tros g sne.. n help her wth da decoration for da cke.. i mde my own design.. a bit comot la.. hey, this was like my 1st tme ok... hehe..

lpk2 pnye lpk, mlm br dpt blik umh.. huhu...

note to self: lain kali kalo kuar, bwk hse keys!!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

