Saturday, May 9, 2009


ok.. nk cite psl surprise lak..

that day on my bday, my frens kt college kinda buat surprise for me.. awwwww~ so sweet la korng... i really didnt expect it at all.. eventhough rse plik n smacam je prngai korng ri tu.. haha.. but xnk pk bkn2..

da la kne ttup mte, siap buli lg ek korng.. haha.. jht2!! :p. oh, sgt malu ok ble kne lompat.. hahahahahaha.. seyes cm bodo gle je rse.. tp lwk la... hak3..

xpe2, let's pict do the talking.. mls nk type pnjg2..

kan da kne tutup mte.. oh btw, kiera tpoo aku kate ade laki kacak. aku pnye smngt nk tgk.. satg mte da kne ttup.. hahahaha... pndai ye tpoo aku.. ceh2..

aku yg x bersalah.. huhu

time2 aku kne buli.. hadoi ai...
da swonok2 buli aku, smpat ag ek kowng mik gamba?? cis2..

kek aku.. waaaa, sdp weh...

oh, ape2 pon.. aku tq la kt kowng.. sush2 je.. sygg korng sume >.<

thanksssssssssssss a bunch!!!!


Anis said...

sumpah sgt seronok tgk korg. :(

me_ash said...

meh2, we're waiting for u sygg..