Wednesday, May 27, 2009

owh tag...

1. Copy badge "2009 cute blogger award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
*oke, ini sudah. next!!

2. Link / ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda.
* lina ngok ngek bg. haha... tq2.. len kali blnje eskrem plak...

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya.

*aku suke kaler mera. kalo bole, sume pon nk mera.
*walaupon bru smnggu cuti sem, aku da bosan.
*aku suke kalo duet aku bnyk2. hahaha.. tp jrg blaku. sbb aku boros. heh
*kdg2 suke stalk blog org. biala,, bkn kne bya pon.
*aku sdg bnci seseorg. maaf. sgt mara!.
*aku mkn byk skng. mngkin sbb metabolisme aku tnggi?? or aku mmg kuat mkn?? haha.
*slalu kte kt ibu nk jongging tiap2 pgi. tp x pnh buat pon. smpai ibu pon muak da dgr. haishh..
*aku suke shppng. sp x kn?? aku pembeli kasot ngn hndbag yg tegar. wohoo~ ayt aku xbole blah!
*rindu kat si jejaka perasan-yg-rmbut-sgt-pnjg-ble-nk-g-ptg-oi!. >.<
*oh! aku 21 thn nie... wohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~

4. Enam orang penerima award seterusnya?

- pwincess warniey (oh, kamoo mmg cute sis! hehe.)
-wanie ( sbb ke-gdikk kn ko tu nmpk ko cute. oleh itu, lyk trime award ini.)
-annas (suke prasan dri sndri cute. haa, amek la award neh!)
-farah (oleh krana anda kwn sye, sye bg anda awrd ini)
-anisss (rnduu u sgt smpai nk bg award ini)
-aqma (kamoo bff sye)
-aishah (kne blnje kte movie neh. haha)
-lyna( ko bg aku, aku bg ko.. bole?? haha)

eh, asl lbih 6?? hahaha, suke ati aku lerr nk bg sp2 pon..


ko tag aku, aku tag ko

ok2, as i promised, i will do this tagging thinging.

from lina n anis...

1. adakah anda rasa hot??

* aku bca sume kate hot sbb pns. ok2 la, ye, aku mmg hot.. bole?? haha. ske ati la nk jwb pe pon.

2. upload gambar kegemaran anda.

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini

*walaupon aku nmpk cacat, tp aku ttp nmpk cute dowh! haha, wth my cacat kazen gak, aishah. >.<

4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza

*td. dinner for piza. ye, ibu x msk sbb umh xde air. shit!! xbole aku nk berak cm ni. haha.

5. Lagu terakhir yg anda dengar

*lady gaga -eh, eh. megat bg..

6. Apa yg anda buat selain buat tag ni

*korek idung. haha, tak2.. dgr lgu.

7. Selain nama anda sendiri, apakah lagi nama yang anda suka orang panggil anda

*comel.. tuan puteri.. datin.. haha.. sile lah pnggl ye!

8. Tag lagi lima orang

* - wanie (wey, jwb tag aku, smbil blnje aku mc'd meh. hehe)

- pwincess warnie (sis2, sile jwb ngn jujur. :D)

- aishah ( bile nk bnlje wyng neh??)

- amy (amy, sile make up ikin cntik2 ye. nti ikin blnje mkn angin.bole??)

- farah!!! (haha, teruja lak type nme u. >.<)

9. Siapa nombor 1

* kwn gdikk aku d mtrx. windoo ko weh.

10. Siapa nombor 2

*my dearie sis. sygg u muchuk. muahahahaha...

11.Orang no 3 ada hubungan dgn siapa.

* die kate edward cullen. oke, ini tpoo sgt! haha.

12.Bagaimana pulak dengan orang number 4?

* amy?? tah.. kte da break.. ni tgk cm bhgia blik. fenin2!

13. katakan sesuatu berkenaan orang num 5.

*farah2, da miss u sgt neh.. jum la beronggeng sesame.. hehe. jom dok sebilik nxt sem. xkre!!


this was came to our hse ths morning.

11 a.m sharp. me, still wearing the pyjamas, i lil excited ran down the stairs.

with smiling face (actually busuk, lom mandi lg. haha), watched them as they transfer the packages inside the hse..
wanna know wht it is???

yeah. total boxes = 13 all of them.

erm, if im not mistaken, 1 box contains shoes, 2 boxes contains kitchen's stuff and the rest, all clothes. gile byk bju???

and oh, not only that, but got this also...

yupp. 4 luggages. i thing mainly cloths, and other mini stuff. kott... tah la..

we've been waiting all of these since last week. dgr kate org tu ckp the MAS kargo snggah germany dlu. aikk?? brg2 ni da smpai germany dlu dri aku?? ciss~

oh ya, brg ni sume from kazakhstan. my parents da pndh blik msia for good. :))

now, i cnt wait to unpacked all of them. but, kalo bukak sume skli, mne nk trok??

isk3... umah bru plssss~


i promise

ok. ini sye jnji sye akn pos...

*my bday present update


*dady's coming home.


ok, lme gle x update.

cm mls lak skng neh.

padahal byk jew nk tulis.

tp tah la,

mayb sbb skng msm pns, tu yg aku jd mls??..

wohoo~ it's rhyme!!haha..

k2, lter jew la update..

tag pon nti lah ye sye buat.......

Sunday, May 17, 2009

penah ke aku??

wehh, penah ke??

tolong jwb sket...

pikir sndri la wehhh... tlg ah...

aku bkn binatnag dowh!!!!!

mcm biasa....

aku sowng2 lgi.


-ini entry sedih-

Saturday, May 16, 2009

aku takk..

-ye, jiwa aku x kosong tau-

*silence would be better*

Monday, May 11, 2009

mother's day + present + shopping


hehehe, me love ibu sgt2!!!

oh, i got her this on mothers' day...

ok2, nothing fancy pon. but hey, at least ade sumting gak kan... ibu pon suke. tht's more important!

ok, cerita 2.

i've got bday present from my big sis.. eheh..

not on my list, but still i accept it =)

heh, tq!

cerita 3.

td pegi gardens dgn ibu n mk pidah.. ter-bli ksut neh.. hehe.. nice >.<

yeay!! da ade pink pump shoes.. bole match my pink clutch bday present... hehe


Saturday, May 9, 2009


ok.. nk cite psl surprise lak..

that day on my bday, my frens kt college kinda buat surprise for me.. awwwww~ so sweet la korng... i really didnt expect it at all.. eventhough rse plik n smacam je prngai korng ri tu.. haha.. but xnk pk bkn2..

da la kne ttup mte, siap buli lg ek korng.. haha.. jht2!! :p. oh, sgt malu ok ble kne lompat.. hahahahahaha.. seyes cm bodo gle je rse.. tp lwk la... hak3..

xpe2, let's pict do the talking.. mls nk type pnjg2..

kan da kne tutup mte.. oh btw, kiera tpoo aku kate ade laki kacak. aku pnye smngt nk tgk.. satg mte da kne ttup.. hahahaha... pndai ye tpoo aku.. ceh2..

aku yg x bersalah.. huhu

time2 aku kne buli.. hadoi ai...
da swonok2 buli aku, smpat ag ek kowng mik gamba?? cis2..

kek aku.. waaaa, sdp weh...

oh, ape2 pon.. aku tq la kt kowng.. sush2 je.. sygg korng sume >.<

thanksssssssssssss a bunch!!!!

package (2)

remember my last post kte de lg stu packeges??

well, actually da amik da ri rbu ri tu... bru ri ni nk post...

its from kee also.. hehe, rjin nye die ni anta2 adiah ek?? len kli, anta la slalu yee... hak3.. kidding2 :p

well, nk tau pe?? meh2 tgk...

yupp.. its a brthday card.. BIG one.. hehe.. suke sgt3 oh!.. tp kn, kad pnye la besa.. tp...

hahahahahahahaha, tulis takat tu je?? ceh.. pe la.. da tau bli besa2, sile buat karangan ye laen kali.. x kire la kalo u kne tulis kad ni kat pos ofis skli pon.. hehe..

btw, tq so muchhy2!!!

>.< im blessed~

Thursday, May 7, 2009

aku nk jd bf ko bole x??

eh2, bukan boyfren ye,.. tp bestfren...


sgt swonok stadi ngn ming joon..

mcm mesin kaunter pertanyaan..

korng tnye je la pa pe psl physical pharmacy...

cfrm waa ckp lu... die akn jwb nye..

explain thp gaban nye..

sampai kowng nti bole ingt smbil tdo..


rase cm nk culik die bwk blik umh je.. bole ke?? hehe..

aku gumbira... phy pharm aku da bis cover..

oh yeah~

nexttttttt,... move on to lab safety lak..


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm HOT 21!!


hepi bday to me...

hepi bday to me...

hepi bday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

hepi bday to me............

yeay!!! 21 already... wooot wooot~


i've just received my 1st present.. hehe...

this was came in this evening...

OMG!!!.. this is what exacty wht i wnt..
thank you so much dear.. hehe.. the present is actually one of my wish list.. now da dpt.. bole cancel kn... hehe...

a pink clutch is want i want. now da dpt. i'm blessed~

and oh, ade lg packages x smpt amik. since ibu xde td, so the posmen left this..

soooooo.. sok pg bru kne g amik.. hehe, xsba nk tgk..

owh, gtg...

kne rply sms neh...


oh btw, dear.. u owg plg byk wish... hahaha... thniah2!! >.<

*i'm young and fabulous at 21 (^_^)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

my wish list!!

hey, since my bday is just around the corner, so sj nk buat wish list...

kot2 dpt la kan..


oke, lets go one by one...

1) cute stilettos, handbag cupcakes... oh, really want this... *aishah, buat kn... hehe*

2) watch by guess. oh, i like the gold one.. waiting from abh.. hope dpt.. hehe..

3) pink clutch. this one from forever 21. but any cute pink clutch will do. i need in pink to go along wth my outfit. now im realize im lack in pink handbag. but i wnt a clutch. heh

4) more and more headband. oh, im more into headband or 'cekak' sgt2. i have lots of collection at home. xcye tnye frah.. kn frah?? haha.. oke2, but i wnt somethng like this. this one from forever 21 also.

5) more and more wedges!!! especially like ths one. me like it. plus it's in RED. totally my fav!!

6) make up set by M.A.C. oh, along with its brush set. huhu. sgt2 nak. but i thnk i reward myself wth this.. koooooooooottttttttttttt... hehe. see budget dlu >.<

7) a pyjamas from La Senza. hehe, super cute!!

8) a red ipod. since my mp3 rosak already.. now move on to ipod lak..

9) indulge my self with an ice cream. especially from baskin robin. ehemm2, ade owg tu da jnji nk blnje.. haha . nak die stack mcm nie.. bole?? >.<

10) a bed sheet like this. :))

11) coloured bangles.

i guess till here je la kot.. i'll update if i miss anythng.


3 days left