Thursday, July 2, 2009

u maen tag yew?? hihi

ok,, my buchuk lil sis tag me. so,, here goes..

The rules:
• Write three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.• Pick your seven (7) most deserving recipients and describe them.• Leave a comment on the recipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.

Here goes..three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award
-pwincess warniey-

*die ni sgt comey. suke tgk die comey2.. hihi
*suke sgt kaler pink.
*pndai msak!!. yuummmmmm2!!

ten (10) interesting facts about myself or my hobbies..

*suke gilak kasot ngn bag
* red is me
*suke kmpul jam guess. xtau np
*makin rjin kai make up kalo kuar. haha'
*suke mkn
*syg kete sye
*suke shpng sgt
*nk duet yg sgt byk. bole?
*slalu berjauhan ngn bubu
*happy wth my life. thankful :))

seven (7) most deserving recipients and their description..

*warniey mucuk... my lil sis sygg
*aqma.. wifey no1
*lina.. wifey no2
*yasmin.. wifey no3
*joana.. wifey no4
*anis.. movie partner :))
*farah.. kegilaan ku. hehe,, miss u!

_tq yunk!_


donna said...

farah mane ni? ehem-ehem-ehem.

me_ash said...


u la farah!!