Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ka-Ching $_$

look what came out from the atm cash..

yupp,, duet rm50 bru...

hmmmm,, i like the smell of duet bru.. u know,, it smells like... MOO-LAH!! $_$

then snggah jap kt mph..

saw this ID book...

nice,, cute for 1st impression...

flip2 thru,, mcm best jew...

tgk harga,, errkkk!!! rm 25... o_O

tp ibu kte bli je..

eheehhh,, snyum jew laaaa... *_*

comel kn kalo dpt blik cm ni.. hehe..

hmm,, thingking tht nk bwt makeover jew my room..

really2 need it..

xpe2,, kumpul2 duet dlu..




Lyna said...

gle lain la dr bilik sebenar ko ... hahaha

wany said...


nk wet