hmm, recently IMU is having mcm a food fair la. in case korng nk tau, IMU slalu je bwt2 food fair ni. i mean ske bwt2 jualan. plg kerap is big aple donut nye sale. hmm, pndai diowng ni crik duet. hehe. tp kinda fun la gak. slalu de show2 time2 lunch. ade org singing. maen band, etc. da mcm mini cnsrt pon ade. hehe.
oh, kelmarin ade stu booth kt imu ni jual food from korea. yes, KOREA!!. aku, ngn kiera mcm biase slalu lunch sme2. odw nk g cafe, lalu la dpn booth nie. kiera, as being a-kipas-susah-mati-to-korea. from the movie, stuff, food, and pretty much evrythng bout korea,, ajak aku stop kt booth tu jp.
hmmm, tgk2 la food yg jual. oh plus!! tau x sp jge booth tu?? yes, it's HWA RANG. oh, our very own korean student in our batch. but he's in biotech la. oh, did i mention how cute n hensem he is.. my heart bole just melt like tht when i see his muke-yg-sgt-hensem-itu..!! haha. nk gtau gak. hwa rang knal i. haha. ok, poyo. tp suke! *snyum lebar*.
hwa rang sebok2 promosi da korean food kt aku ngn kiera. aku, ngn khusyuk nye dgr la pe die kte, smbil2 menatap wjah nye yg kacak itu. wohoo, kacak weh. eceh!. ok2 da.
erm, kiera bli sumting cm so called korean pancake. tp aku tgk cm telur dadar je. hehe. btol, aku x tpoo. aku lak, bli spicy rice nugget. kot. tah la, x ingt lak nme die. hehe. nmpk cm sdp je. kot la.
tgk gamba. tu la aku bli. rase?? so-so je la. tp aku ttp bli nsi bungkus kt pak cik amin. eheh. oh, aku x tau np ri tu aku mkn byk. haissh. bruk prngai. tnsion kot. hmm, xpe, laen kali jgn buat lgi. oke??. :D
ok la. da mls nk tls pnjg2. nk g ttp arcnd jp. da sjuk. tata!
*aku adore hwa rang??. maybe yes. maybe no.*
1 comment:'s pakcik amir...not pakcik amin rite??
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