1. To understand the thermodynamic basis of polymorphism.
2. To grow the crystals of the α- and β- polymorphs of L-glutamic acid.
3. To examine the crystals morphology of the α- and β- polymorphs of L-glutamic acid.
4. To observe the solution-mediated transformation of the α- and β- polymorphs of L-glutamic acid.
haha. nmpk sgt ni aku copy paste from my report. n the procedures goes somethng like ths...
1) 2.4 g of L-glutamic acid was dissolved in 50mL distilled water on a hotplate at 80oC by stirring with a glass rod.
2)The hot solution was filtered into two 50mL beakers ( about 25mL each). A magnetic stirrer bar was placed into one of them.
3)The solution with stirrer bar was stirred in the room temperature.
this is the solution wth magnetic bar in it n been placed on the magnetic stirrer.
4)The other solution was leaved on the bench at room temperature.
the other solution. cn see already the crystals forms.. teehe!!
tgk2. owg suh buat sket2, ni g bwt smpai byk2. ngade sungguh!! hahahaha..!
ini light-microscope.
oh! ini wayne tgh examine da crystals. haha, candid2!! my lab partner. (^_^)
haaaah!!! phm ke x???
tgk2!! cntk kn crystals nie... awwwwwwww~
ok. selesai suda experiment. so, x rti2 lagi nk buat lab report??
adoi, mls nyeeeeeeeeeeeee....
due date : 11th march, 2009.
*p/s : sape da siap?? meh, nk 'referrence' korng nye bole?? hak3....*
oi, buat sndri la shikin oi!!!
shikin!!! taw tak ape yg lagi best!!! dapat buat exp and kat depan die ade org hensem XD
shikin, ade wayne ngan zin lee di situ! haha
eh, you lab group ngan spe shikin?
i ngan wanee xjd partner you dah. >.<
i slalu ngn zin lee, ming jun, wayne, simon ngn yamunai..
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