Hello! :)
So, Last Sunday, on the 29th of January2012, I was invited to
Shazwanihamid's engagement. Hihi. Serious macam tak caye je bila Wani bagi tau die nak tunang dahh.. haha.. OMG! I think now its the time where everyone around my age either getting engage or married. Aku ni je haa tak tau bile nak kawin. LoL :p
So, ( eh banyak 'so' lak aku) last Saturday, me singgah Bangsar Village 2 kejap, jumpe Wani because she want to give me her invitation card. Lawaaaaaa okeh kad die. Dah la buat sendiri. Design sendiri, print sendiri. Jimat kos! haha.
The invitation card. I like the back part, where " He purposed..and she said yes!". Haha, so comellllll :D
I asked my cousin, Aishah to teman me.Since I dont want to be alone there. haha. Gile mcm forever alone :p.
Aishah and me. My close cousin. We're like twins! kot.HAHA
Eh, dok membebel panjang2, lupa nak bgtau venue kat mane. haha. So, (so lagi) the ceremony was held dekat Villa Perdana, Jalan Semarak, in Kualaaaaa lumpurrrrr. Haha, aku tak tau knp aku eja Kl mcm tuh. hihi. Abaikan. As i was saying, venue dah la kat tgh2 KL kan, pastu event malam lak tu.. Nak drive pi sane mmg mcm agak malasss gak la. But lucky me, on that day also, my dad ponnn ade wedding dekat Dewan Merak Kayangan. So sebelah2 je tmpat kiteorng. haha. Memang pegi ngn abah je la.
Tapi wedding abah start awal, while Wani nye start around 8.30pm.. Nak tak nak, kene gak la g awal kan.. dah nek keta ngan abah..
Bila sampai2 je, mcm tak ramai org lagi. Haha, segannn gila. Sbb yg ade sume pon Relatives Wani kot. Tu pon x rmai sgt. Mase nak masuk tuh, tak sedar lak Razz dok kat dpn pintu. Haha, Razz nampak laen.. Maybe sbb songkok kot :p
Inside. The Pelamin and The Hantaransss. Hee
And this Wani, tgh sibuk bergambar.. Sebelom ramai lagi org dtg.. Princess of the day with two lil' princess.. hihi
Pihak rombongan lelaki arrived around 9 pm. And i knowwww, Wani dah tghh cuakk tuuu.. hihi
And if tak silap, pihak perempuan di wakili oleh bapa saudara Wani. (skema?)
And the discussion was goin on.. Banyak lah pantun sana sini. Hihi, best dengar :)
After much discussion, and both side agreed, now mase to sarung cincinnn!!! (Dup! Dap! Dup! Dap!) haha :p
Azhar's grandmother yang sarung kan cincin to jari manis Wani.. Awww, so comel okehh!! hihi.
Congratulationnnnnn!!!!!!! Ur engaged now Wani! hihi. (and sumpahhh, gmba ni aku burukk gila. Salah angle camera, i look soooooo chubby. pfffttt >_______< ). And may i say, i loveloveloveeee ur dress. Ur vail is so long, makes ur outfit even more prettier! seriously! Kalau lah aku ni lesbian, lame dah jatuh hati. Haha :p
The Hantarans. From both sides. 7 dulang from lelaki, dibalas 9 dulang from perempuan.
Lepas da sarung cincin, ape lagi nak buat? Dah tentu makannnnnnnnnnnnn :D :D :D
Antara banyak2 menu yg ade situ, aku makan semua! HAHA, Rugi wehh kalo tak makan. Ade meehun sup utara ( sedappp gila!!!! serious) , Nasi Beriyani lauk ayam and rendang pedas, Desserts such and bread pudding ( ni lagi satu sedapp! ), popia goreng, kuih seri muka (sedap gak), and some fruits. Air grape, since nak same tema which is purple, ngan air2 skali kaler purple. Haha :p
Happy Kid with Happy Face and Happy Tummy. Aku la tu.
This is kakak the sulong. Eh? Kak
Iza Hamid. Finallyyyyyy, I get the chance to met her in person! She is so so so so cantikkkk. Even my mom pon kate kak Iza ni lawa. Hihi. Hai kakak, if ur reading this, HAI!!!! :D
Second, my 'mommy' ,
Hanis Haizi. Die ni tak yah cakap lahhh, mmg lawo! I love her style and fashion, sebab selalu laen dr yg laen among her sisters. U mmg paling vogue lahh mommy. Hihi :)
Third, is Wani. Hihi. U cantik malam tu. Sangat. And aku plak, dlm gmba ni bole plak nak tido kan? Oi bukak mate lahh! Mmg merosakkan gamba. -__-"
Around 11pm cmtu, me dah balikkk. Since abah pon dah abis with his function.. Sorry Wanyyy, tak dpt join group photo. Next time ye. hihi.
Owh, this little gift.Serioussssss sedapppp cokelat ni... nyesal lak xamik bnyak2.. haha :p
Again Wani, i nak say Congratulation to you, and Selamat menjadi tunangan orang!
10 months from nowwww Wani! hihi